Dome Keeper Dome Improvement: Learn More About The All-New Prestige Mode!

Dome Keeper Dome Improvement: Learn More About The All-New Prestige Mode!
Published by 23 Sep, 2022 0 likes

We've already told you a little bit about your primary gadgets, what inspired us to make Dome Keeper, and even given you a tech-tastic breakdown of how our color palette works.


Today – as we creep ever closer to launch day – we're going to tell you more about the modes coming to Dome Keeper!


You've already played Relic Hunt mode: that's the classic mode we've all been enjoying with the Dome Keeper demo.


And when Dome Keeper finally releases on September 27, 2022, you will also get to play Prestige mode – and that's what we're going to talk about now!


Seeing is PrestigingIn Prestige, you score points by sending home as many resources as possible before your dome falls or you safely leave the planet.

In addition to the upgrades you've already encountered in the demo, in Prestige there'll be a few additional options to consider, too. See the bottom left of the screen?

That's a little scorecard. It's here you'll be able to keep track of the Prestige points you amass each time you successfully tackle a monster wave.

There are three things it keeps track of your Base Prestige per wave, and the Prestige per Wave Multiplier - both of which can be increased - and your Points total.

This means that if you have a Base Prestige of 4, a Prestige per Wave Multiplier of 10, and successfully fight off a wave of enemies, you'll get 40 points added to your score. Simple!

Only you can decide when to buy upgrades or when to send resources back home, and both choices with their own dilemmas.

Keep the points, and you'll be able to keep making those all-important upgrades, but your home planet won't be getting the resources it needs.

Send them home, however, and you won't be able to make as many upgrades… but you may become a bonafide hero to the folks back home.

And how can you become famous amongst the other Keepers in the Keepers Guild (that's right: there’s a guild! ) if you're not a hero first. .

. am I right? !

What does Prestige mode mean for gameplay? Crucially, Prestige is not for faint-hearted Keepers.

Whereas survival is usually all we're hoping for when a Dome Keeper monster wave strikes, in Prestige you need to think about combat strategy, investing in your gadgets, and sending resources home, too.

With every wave becoming ever more challenging, you'll find yourself forced into making increasingly more difficult decisions about whether to power up or score points.

Therefore, we reckon Prestige mode is best suited to more experienced Keepers.

When you take on the challenge, though, you'll be able to see how you rank against the other Keepers in a global leaderboard.

That's right; Dome Keeper lets you compete against your friends and other Keepers all across the world, as well as check out their stats and preferred builds.

We can't wait to see what builds and battle abilities you'll be using when you top the rankings! These won't be the only two modes coming to Dome Keeper, by the way.

An additional mode - Migration - is also on the way.

During development we realized we wanted to do something even bigger with Migration, so instead of squeezing that in for release day, we've pushed it post-launch so that we can take our time with it and ensure it's ready for you (it'll be worth the wait, we promise! ).

Make sure you're following Dome Keeper on Twitter or join our Discord and tell us all about your favorite gadgets and modes, including your wishlist for the future! And don't forget:

Dome Keeper is out on September 27, 2022. Until the next one, Keepers - Dome Sweet Dome!

PS. Dome Keeper is now available to pre-purchase here on Steam!

Add to wishlistDome KeeperMine for resources, choose from powerful upgrade paths and fend off waves of alien attackers in this innovative roguelike mining action game.

There's just enough time to mine a little deeper, find a little more and get back to defend before the next wave attacks your dome.


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