Shooter Quake Champions is out of early access - five years after launch

Shooter Quake Champions is out of early access - five years after launch
Published by 19 Aug, 2022 0 likes

The free Quake Champions network shooter from id Software left early access.


This happened five years after the game's initial launch and coincided with its release in the Microsoft Store, which was announced today as part of the launch of QuakeCon 2022.


In addition, True Achievements, which tracks achievements in games for Xbox and Windows, recently released a list of Quake Champions, but this is due to the release of the shooter in the Microsoft Store on the PC, rather than pointing to the console port as originally intended.

Quake Champions started at Early Access in 2017 and received "mostly positive" reviews on Steam, but was unable to gain a foothold among fans as well as other free shooters.

There are rumors that id Software is currently working on restarting the series.


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