Google has started to refund money for the purchase of Stadia

Google has started to refund money for the purchase of Stadia
Published by 11 Nov, 2022 0 likes

Users of the "cloud" gaming service Google Stadia began to receive letters from the manufacturer with information about the refund.

On January 18, 2023, the service will cease to operate, so the company is trying to give the transferred funds automatically.

Google asks you to be patient and refrain from contacting the support service, because she will not be able to speed up the process.

The manufacturer expects that the costs of games, additional content and subscriptions, other than Studio Pro, will return before the above date.

The company expects to process most of these requests, including for hardware purchased from the Google Store.

If the user makes 20 or less purchases, he will receive a separate letter for each product. If there were more purchases, then one general email will be sent.

Google will try to return the money to the original payment source. Otherwise, the company will send an e-mail instruction with an alternative option.


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