NetEase acquired the developers of Detroit: Become Human and Heavy Rain

NetEase acquired the developers of Detroit: Become Human and Heavy Rain
Published by 19 Feb, 2023 0 likes

Recently it became known that Quantic Dream was acquired by the Chinese corporation NetEase.

The amount of the deal was not officially disclosed, but Tom Henderson believes that NetEase spent about 100 million euros on the developers of Detroit: Become Human, Beyond: Two Souls and Heavy Rain.

The journalist’s sources say that Quantic Dream employees received a share in the studio in connection with the adoption of the PACTE law by the French Parliament in 2019.

The developers, who wished to remain anonymous, said that after the purchase they received from 50 to 100 thousand euros each.

The head of Quantic Dream, David Cage and his family, who own 51% of the shares, could get 50 million euros. Quantic Dream became the first European company owned by NetEase.

At the moment, the French team is working on Star Wars Eclipse, and is also going to publish Dustborn and Under the Waves.


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