The Blade Runner tablet was sponsored at Kickstarter in 3 minutes

The Blade Runner tablet was sponsored at Kickstarter in 3 minutes
Published by 05 May, 2022 0 likes

The day before yesterday, Kickstarter launched a fundraiser for a board game based on Blade Runner. To say that the campaign started well is an understatement. The required amount of $10,261 was collected in just three minutes, and by the time of writing the news, the authors managed to raise $1,067 million. Perhaps, over time, the excitement will subside, but in any case, there are still three weeks left before the end of the campaign.

The events of the game will unfold in 2037 after the Wallace Corporation introduced a new line of Nexus-9 Replicants. Participants in the action will be able to try on the roles of both people and replicants, as well as choose a specialization, memories, and so on. Blade Runner is based on the Year Zero engine, which was previously used in a number of well-known tabletop games, including Alien, Tales From the Loop and Forbidden Lands.

I must say that the creators have set themselves quite ambitious plans: a large amount of additional content, including collectible cards, bonus characters, and so on. To achieve their goals, they need to get a little more than $ 1.4 million. And, most likely, the amount will be typed.

The cost of the game itself varies depending on the configuration - the basic version in digital will cost $ 31 without shipping, but there are also more impressive options in printed form - you will have to pay $ 100 or more for them. Deliveries are scheduled for November.


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