The first screenshots of Tactics Ogre: Reborn from Square Enix leaked to the network — the tactical role-playing game will be released on November 11

The first screenshots of Tactics Ogre: Reborn from Square Enix leaked to the network — the tactical role-playing game will be released on November 11
Published by 25 Jul, 2022 0 likes

In the PS Store database found the first screenshots and description of Tactics Ogre: Reborn — it turned out that this is another remake of the classic tactical role-playing game Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together, based on the version for PlayStation Portable, appeared in 2010.


Square Enix updated the graphics and sound, re-recorded the soundtrack and voiced all the cutscenes in English and Japanese.


The character development system has also undergone changes, but the plot seems to remain the same — no new chapters are mentioned in the description.


The PS Store says the game will be released on November 11, 2022.


It is expected to be available on all modern platforms, but there has been no official announcement so far, so only the release of PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 is known so far.


A disk and digital release is planned. Tactics Ogre trailer: Let Us Cling Together for PlayStation PortableIt looks like fans of Final Fantasy Tactics will soon receive a similar level of re-release.



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