Update 1.12 coming to Planet Zoo 13 December

Update 1.12 coming to Planet Zoo 13 December
Published by 01 Dec, 2022 0 likes

Hayo Zookeepers! It's beginning to look a lot like. . . .


a Planet Zoo update! It's time to celebrate exciting new additions coming to Planet Zoo.

Introducing ✨ free update 1. 12 ✨ which is heading your way on 13 December 🕫Keep on reading to find out what you can expect in this new update.

Guided ToursIt's time to give your guests the VIP treatment with the new Guided Tours coming!

Guided Tours are a brand new way to offer guests more in-depth information about your zoo and your exhibits.

Tours are personal and will be conducted by an educator, they will then guide your guests through the zoo and educate them with lots of wonderful facts about your animals as well as life at the zoo.

Guided Tours are also completely customiseable, which means you will be able to plan out your guests' journeys through your park by placing Tour Points at desired destinations.

This means guests will be specifically guided to the habitats you assigned in your tour for them to admire and the places they stop to recharge their needs.

A unique and unforgettable experience each time! The VIP treatment also means more opportunities to earn additional income for your zoo!

Guests will have to pay an extra tour fee in addition to the zoo entry price, and will also spend money to take care of their needs during tour breaks or after, with their desire to spend relating to how well they rated the tour as well.

Diorama ModeInspired by one of our Planet Zoo community members, Rudi Rennkamel 🐫, we're introducing the new Diorama Mode, a new type of terrain for you to create your very own dioramas!

You can select this new terrain type in sandbox mode and it will provide you with a blank diorama that you're free to build upon as you'd like.

You can then upload your diorama to the Steam Workshop to share it with the rest of the Planet Zoo communityBulldozer

Tool We've also made removing things from your zoos a little faster by adding a Bulldozer tool in update 1. 12!

It's now faster than ever to remove large amounts of scenery, paths and objects in your park. You also have the ability to mix and match what type of object you want to remove with the bulldozer.

Combining the functionality to remove multiple types of items at once using one tool is sure to make the experience of building and rebuilding more satisfying and streamlined.

As always, these exciting new features in Update 1. 12 come with various fixes and quality of life additions,  which will be included in the full patch notes upon release.

We'll have more news for you soon, but until then, join us later today 7:00PM GMT for a very Special livestream where we will also go over in more detail what's coming in the 1. 12 free update.

We'll be live on Twitch and YouTube - we'll see you there!


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